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1st stage (1-2 weeks):

Ξηρός βήχας αρχικά την νύχτα1. Dry cough initially at night


 Καταρροή2. Nasal discharge

2nd stage (1-6 weeks)

Επεισόδια έντονου σπασμωδικού βήχα1. Episodes of intense spastic cough


Εμετός μετά από έντονο βήχα2. Vomiting following coughing fits


Συριγμός (σφύριγμα) κατά την εισπνοή3. A whooping sound when the patient breaths in


Κυάνωση (μπλε ή μωβ δέρμα) λόγω άπνοιας4. Cyanosis (blue or purple skin) due to apnea

3rd stage (2-3 weeks)

Πιο ελαφρύς βήχας (τα επεισόδια αραιώνουν και τελικά σταματούν)1. Milder cough (episodes are less frequent and finally stop)


Χαμηλός πυρετός (όχι πάντα)2. Low-grade fever (not always)

The most common complication is pneumonia while a very severe complication is pertussis encephalopathy (seizures, coma). Other less severe complications of pertussis are otitis media (ear inflammation), loss of appetite and dehydration.


Πως μεταδίδεταιPertussis is spread very easily. It is transmitted either by airborne droplets or by direct contact with respiratory secretions of infected persons.



For the treatment of pertussis seek medical assistance. Infants may require hospital admission. Rest, lots of fluids in order to avoid dehydration, and cleaning of the secretions or vomit during cough, so as to avoid spreading, are recommended. Ibuprofen or paracetamol may be used for the relief of other symptoms such as fever and sore throat. Do not give aspirin to children younger than 16 years.


When to seek medical advice

Call your doctor if you develop any of the above mentioned symptoms or if you or your child has come into contact with a patient with pertussis.


Τhe vaccine against pertussis is administered as part of the vaccines against diphtheria and tetanus as a triple vaccine (DTaP) or as part of other vaccines during 2, 4, 6, 15-18 months of age and then at 4-6 years.
