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The common symptoms of malaria may include:

Υψηλός πυρετός με ρίγη, κάθε 2η ή 3η μέρα1. High fever with chills, every 2 or 3 days


Ίκτερος (κίτρινο χρώμα των ματιών, του δέρματος και των βλεννογόνων)2. Jaundice (yellowing of the eyes, skin and mucous membranes)


Αναιμία (ωχρότητα)3. Anemia (paleness)


Ιδρώτας 4. Sweating


Πονοκέφαλος 5. Headache


Πόνος στους μύες 6. Muscle pain


Ναυτία 7. Nausea


Διάρροια 8. Diarrhea


Εμετός 9. Vomiting

If left untreated, and in severe forms of the disease, the following may develop:

  1. Neurological symptoms
  2. Renal or respiratory failure


Πώς μεταδίδεται

How malaria is transmitted:

Malaria is not spread from person to person, it cannot be transmitted with casual social contact (e.g. touch, kiss), and it cannot be sexually transmitted.


For the treatment of malaria, seek medical help. There are several medicines that are effective against malaria. Treatment should start early and with the indicated therapy the patient will recover. However, the disease may get worse or re-appear if not adequately treated.


Measures to avoid bites should be systematically observed, such as:

High risk groups are infants, pregnant women and patients in immunosuppression.

When to seek medical advice
