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Διάρροιες1. Diarrheas


Εμετοί2. Vomiting


Κούραση3. Tiredness


Ναυτία 4. Νausea


Πόνος και κράμπες στην κοιλιά 5. Pain and cramps in the abdomen


Ρίγη 6. Chills


Πυρετός 7. Fever

The symptoms of gastroenteritis may last from 1 to 10 days. They usually last for 24 – 48 hours.

It is a severe disease for infants, small children, persons with disabilities, persons who cannot attend to their needs and the elderly. In case of many vomiting or diarrheal episodes, a person may require hospitalization for the management of dehydration.


Πώς μεταδίδεται Individuals are usually infected through the consumption of food or beverages prepared by a person with gastroenterirtis when this person does not wash their hands thoroughly after toilet use. Drinking water may also be infected and constitutes a contamination source. Additionally, contact with the feces or vomit of a patient, contact with infected surfaces or objects, as well as the inhalation of infected droplets released in cases of intense diarrhea or vomiting, may lead to the infection of an individual.

Πώς μεταδίδεταιIn general, the risk of transmission of viral gastroenteritis is larger in cases where there is a large number of people and poor hygiene conditions during the preparation and consumption of food. Examples are: nursery centers, schools, hospitals, houses for the elderly, cruise ships and camps.


There is no specific medicine for viral gastroenteritis. The most important element in its management is the avoidance of loosing too much fluid (dehydration). If symptoms are intense or last for a period larger than 48 hours, seek medical assistance.

When a person has gastroenteritis, i.e. has diarrhea and/or vomiting, for as long as his symptoms persist and for a period of 48 hours following symptoms' remission:


Observe hygiene rules

Consumption of safe food and water (contaminated food may have normal appearance and smell):

Precautions to take when you travel to high-risk countries:

When to seek medical advice

If the symptoms of gastroenteritis last for a period longer than 24 hours or when the clinical image of a patient is severe, it is recommended to seek the advice of your family doctor.
