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Aliens without a residence permit have access to public hospitals and medical centers, by exception, in the case of medical emergencies and/or infectious diseases. This restriction is not applicable in the case of children (under 18 years old).

Specifically for aliens infected with HIV or other infectious diseases, such as e.g. tuberculosis, legislation provides for free of charge medical care, if effective medical care cannot be provided to them in their country of origin or return.

Relevant legislation

Article 84, paragraph 1, of Law 3386/2005: «Public authorities, public legal entities, local government organisations, public utility organisations and enterprises and social security organisations are required to not offer their services to nationals of a third country who have no passport or other travel document recognized under international conventions and treaties, entry visa or residence permit and in general cannot prove their lawful entry and stay in Greece. Excepted are hospitals, medical centers and medical clinics, in the case of nationals of third countries who are admitted for hospitalization as medical emergencies by the Emergency Department of a Hospital for urgent treatment and/or a case of an infectious disease, as well as in the case of minors».

Article 11, paragraph E, of Law 2955/2-11-01 (published in Government Gazette issue Α 256): «Alien economic migrants infected with HIV or other infectious diseases, if in need of treatment and effective treatment cannot be provided to them at their country of origin and/or return, are provided with medical care free of charge. »